Our Pricing | Premium Cabinets

Pricing – Best Value in Cabinets Today

Cabinet pricing can vary greatly from company to company and job to job. Pricing depends on many different factors. Those factors may include the cost of materials, type of finish, operational expenses, labor, and more. Typically, the labor cost associated with assembly and installation is the largest price point of any cabinet purchase. This is especially true of custom cabinets.

When you use the “standard” 10×10 kitchen most companies promote you have 24.5 linear feet of cabinets.

  • Our value line cabinets start at $2,284 for a 10×10 and range from $93 to $124 per linear foot of cabinets.
  • Our standard line cabinets start at $3,258 for a 10×10 and vary from $133 to $282 per linear foot.
  • A vast majority of our cabinet lines fall between $140 to $200.
  • The 10×10 that everyone uses is a poor comparison to the average kitchen.

The total price of an average kitchen tends to be double that.  Why?

  • The average kitchen is bigger.
  • Most kitchens have more lower cabinets than the standard 10×10 which has 7 upper cabinets and 4 lowers
  • It may also include some or all of these things:
    Premium Cabinets country-linen-cabinets-with-dark-island.jpg

    • Crown molding, decorative doors, or other trim
    • Drawer bases
    • Pantries or oven cabinets
  • All of those things increase the price

These are only rough estimates.

Each kitchen is individually designed and priced by the door style and cabinets used.  Each can dramatically affect the price for the same space.
Our kitchens tend to vary from $2,000 to well over $50,000.  Most projects cost between $5,000 to $15,000.  Installation and specialty cabinets/items come at additional costs.

If price or budget is important, be sure to let your designer know so they can customize your design for you.  You have control based on the decisions you make.
Most changes have a minimal impact. For example, going from 30″ uppers to 36″ uppers would increase the price by about $25 per upper cabinet. Adding a drawer base would add about $75 to $125 to the price, because of the number of slow close glides and drawer pieces in the drawer base. Adding full-height cabinets like a pantry or wall oven cabinet has the biggest impact.

Installation costs vary from contractor to contractor. The price per box can vary from $50 to $150, depending on the market and the complexity of the work involved. The most important thing to understand is that a good installer can make your cabinets look great and a poor installer can make your great cabinets look poor. Good installers don’t just screw your cabinets to the wall.  They level and shim each unit and prepare them for hard surface installation. They trim out projects with crown molding and handles to give each project a look of perfection. They make modifications and install specialty items.   A professional installer is highly skilled.  They have years of experience with detailed woodwork.   Ask your sales associate about installation options when getting your estimate.

You can find cabinets that may be a little cheaper, but they will not be near the quality. You can also find cabinets that may be a little better, but they will cost significantly more. Our focus is on offering the best value in cabinetry today.

Let us show you how we will save you money!

We are the Best Value in Cabinets Today!

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