Designer Details for Your Kitchen Cabinets and Island

Do you want your kitchen to be top-notch? Who doesn’t want a custom designed kitchen? At a point in our life all of us crave for this, especially when they are kitchen cabinets. All that matters is the details to make it splendid and unique.
Matching ends
These are matching panels at your cabinet ends; people always opt for these instead of flush skins. Similar to decorative legs they add a furniture feeling to your décor overall look, and it rhymes well in both the traditional and Mediterranean spaces.
Crown molding
Nothing works best like the crown molding, the ultimate designer’s touch on your kitchen. It is used to bridge the gap between your wall cabinet and the ceiling similar to a transition and mostly found in traditional kitchens.
Decorative legs
Exists in either chunky or mission style and it will definitely catch anyone’s eye, usually placed on the island ends. Keep in mind that for a traditional and rustic design it is more detailed, less details work well with modern and contemporary designs.

Adding a splash of color
Likewise, whichever you prefer can always do wonders to your home, but neutrals are always the first choices, but to go an extra mile by playing around with colors try green and blue. Definitely a contemporary design because we are trying to mix bright and bold color design o achieve a pop of color.
Glass door fronts
Why don’t you indulge yourself with one of these beauties? It can be transparent, frosted or seeded, but glass door front is always a win-win. It lets you have a glimpse of the dishware and spectacular décor with the right amount of lighting involved.
Traditional and elegant and it exists in three types the ornate, oversized and plain ones, mainly used in islands and kitchen cabinets.

Mixed door style
Mix and match can be tricky to achieve, but some end results usually work out, especially for cabinetry door styles. It makes your kitchen have an attractive traditional design by playing around with details just a little bit.
Similar and classical as black and white design, it works best with rustic, farmhouse or beach-style design. Mostly used as a finishing touch added to your décor on cabinets and door styles.
Unique storage space
Do not settle for less and choose a cookie cutter storage over a custom wine rack drawer, you can also opt for custom built-ins, peg pullouts, tray dividers and much more.

Wainscoat panels
Often confused with matching ends, but wainscoat are panels added at the back of cabinets, like a unique dress they make your furniture look authentic.
Fluted molding
A little extra detail to add a unique personal touch to your cabinets, installed on both sides of a cabinet to make a statement.
Stains and glazes
They add charm and creativity especially when they are antique.
Which do you prefer? It is important to always be precise while choosing these design details.
Feel free to contact us at Premium Cabinets of Chicago for a custom quote.

Tony Sirkin
Premium Cabinets Chicago
(773) 495-9960